Dementia Sensory Self Care

Providing the experience of self care to women with stage 5+ dementia

My Role

UX Designer, UX researcher, physical product designer, CAD modeller

Time Frame

4 Months

Tools & Methods

Bandsaw. Usability Tests, Lit Review, Task Analysis, Digital ethnography, among others.

Project Recognition

Shown at Design TO 2022 , also presented as an exemplary design solution for people with dementia at the Dementia Labs 2022 conference in Belgium


This project was made for Baycrest Health Sciences as part of a Human-Centered design course. It was an open brief in which we had to identify a target issue within aging with dignity project at Baycrest, and our group decided to focus on self-care in the mid-to-late stages of dementia.

How might we incentivize daily routines and fulfillment for people with people with stage 5+ dementia?

We sought to incentive routine and fulfillment through the cross-sensory self care kit. The project went through several iterations, yet always maintaining the idea of self-care within dementia, and initial identification of the user group needs around this topic. 


Main Methods Used

We started off with a project proposal. This step included:

  • hypothesis formulation
  • preliminary research
  • Must/shoulds/coulds

After this we moved to need/requirement identification for target users:

  • persona development
  • digital ethnography
  • literature reviewing
  • data analysis/affinity mapping
  • journey mapping
  • task analysis

In the final stage, we did:

  • rapid prototyping
  • high fidelity prototyping
  • usability testing
  • refining past steps (environmental scan and insights)

In the ladder stages, we realized that many aspects of self-care are gender specific (especially for an aging population), so we specified our project for women with mild to late stages of dementia.

Task Analysis

User Persona

Affinity Mapping- Data Analysis

Insight Synthesis

How Might We's

Environmental Scan

Cad Modelling, rapid prototyping and sketching

Usability Testing



For more information /documentation feel free to contact me.

Using Format